This could have been released in 2016, and no one would be able to tell the difference. Absolutely beautiful.
This could have been released in 2016, and no one would be able to tell the difference. Absolutely beautiful.
Fine animation, and funny idea. I do have a few notes if you want to read this up.
The timing at the start is kinda off-putting, I'd try making the timing of him throwing his hand back a bit more constant.
The transition between the windup for the slap, and the tentacle attack feels too sudden. I'd add a transition frame during the windup, that reveals the tentacle, before it goes into the side view.
This is probably because I dont use a proper animation program, I basically drew the pictures and lined them up with the audio in Cute Cut, I dont know how the frames per seconds work or how you would line that up to an audio. Thanks for the feeedbackk..
good animation, should probably merge the cigar to the box in the beginning, but nonetheless great
I made the cigar bounce on purpose
P e r f e c t
Comedy gold
that's sus
that's kinda sus
Mass Pipebomber
Joined on 2/1/21